Sherlock and Dr. O.J. Patterson came to a conclusion about Betty's murder a few days ago, but they were so shocked with the results they had to test and retest before an announcement could be made. Finally, when they had undeniable, irrefutable evidence, Sherlock called everyone together for a meeting.
The ducks have gathered for an important meeting. |
The doctor and detective duo began to explain the mystery to all.
Betty went out with her friends Billy, Jack, Frenchy, Martha and Frank. Soon after arriving at the party, Billy had to leave. Martha and Frank were busy being a couple, so Betty, Jack, and Frenchy spent a lot of the night together. They did some dancing and had some refreshments. Martha and Frank joined them for a bit, then the group split up. Frenchy and Betty were going to have a sleep over, they couldn't stop talking about it.
This is where things got a little muggy for Sherlock. Since Frenchy refused to cooperate, the detective had to piece together everything. From what he could gather, Frenchy and Betty left the party and headed into town in search of a little more fun before hitting the hay. While walking around, the girls apparently ran into some "unfriendlies", and Frenchy took off. Betty either didn't follow or was too slow, because Frenchy didn't see her again.
Martha was so upset, because she feels had she spent the night with Frenchy and Betty, the ladies would not have ran into trouble. She essentially blamed herself and would not be convinced otherwise. Which is why she was PISSED when Sherlock announced that Betty was, in fact, quite alive.
Here she is, alive and well. |
Yes, you read that right. Here she is, alive and well. Now you must be wondering how on earth Dr. Patterson examined a dead body if there was none? Well, in the world of ducks, rubber ducks get along with zombie ducks (also known as dead ducks and devil ducks) in a tentative friendship. But occasionally, zombie ducks like to play a "prank" on rubber ducks. These pranks are designed more to remind everyone that zombie ducks are still around and less to be funny.
For this particular "prank" the zombie ducks approached Betty and Frenchy, and Betty eagerly agreed to be part of their little plan. She gave the zombie ducks all of her identifying information. Since rubber ducks do not have DNA, all they had to identify Betty was her stuff. They just had to give it to one of their ducks, and place them where Betty was last seen. To make sure the zombie replacement stayed "dead", she took a heavy duty sleeping medication that lasted for several days.
Sherlock and Dr. Patterson questioning the zombie duck.
The zombies did not account for Dr. Patterson's excellent knowledge of the rubber duck body. He soon realized that he was not looking at a rubber duck, but a zombie duck. When Sherlock couldn't get any answers from Frenchy, he assumed something was up. Since they are notorious for their little reminders, Sherlock assumed zombies were involved. He told Dr. Patterson who used an anti sleep serum to wake up the zombie and get some answers.
Chaos and outrage after the announcement. |
Many of the rubber ducks are outraged with Betty. How could she do this to them? However, most are relieved that there is not a murderer among them. Betty mean while feels awful for the trouble she called and is on probation until further notice. Since zombie ducks are technically their own community, all Sherlock could do was to ask them to please play less traumatizing pranks.