Friday, May 30, 2014

Moving Day

Don't ask Lance to help you move. He's useless.

"Waiting for the truck."

"Inspecting cleanliness."

"Checking weight."

"Looking for dust bunnies."

"Making sure this box leaves."

"Inspecting for holes."


A New Friend

Say hello to Abby! A new friend on the last day of school.

I am so so sad to be leaving this school and this wonderful class. These kids are only between 8 and 9 years old, and they know so much about compassion and kindness.

I'm just an aide, but I get hug every day. Yesterday a girl hugged and thanked me profusely for tapping pictures onto their scrapbook pages. Today another girl brought me this cute duck because I was telling her about my collection yesterday.

I have met wonderful and generous teachers and aides. I'm so grateful that they helped me move onto the next chapter in my life. But I am going to miss this so much.

Goodbye Canyon Elementary! Cache High here I am!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fashion Don'ts With Camo Claire

Don't wear necklaces as big as you. Seriously, why is this a thing?

Don't wear a hat too small for your head.Tiny hats are so last year!

Don't try to pull off fur. It's NEVER a good look on ducks

Don't swim in perfume. It will affect how you look.

Don't wear HUGE headphones everywhere you go. Little ones will work, I promise.

Don't pretend like your tablet makes a good camera. If you wanted a camera why didn't you buy one?

Don't do this. I don't know why you would but... Don't.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Shopping Adventures

Sometimes Claire forgets she's not a Quacking Crusader anymore.

But she did make some new friends, who are headed to Pennsylvania. Hooray for the Reddit rubber duck exchange!

This little guy is staying though.

Lunch Time!

This isn't exactly a diet day for Claire.

A Good Breakfast Goes A Long Way

Looks like Claire won't be getting very far today.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Rum Will Be Gone Soon

Claire may have a problem.

Origin Story Sunday

In honor of Memorial Day, I am going to start this project off with my Pink Camouflage Duck, also known as Camo Claire or just Claire.

To the untrained eye, Claire might seem like any other rubber duck, but she is really a member of an elite group of ducks dedicated to keeping bathtubs safe. This team of floating heroes fights off spiders and other creepy crawlies looking to ruin your squeaky clean fun. They are known as the Quacking Crusaders.
Claire and her crusaders have traveled the world, ridding households of the most vicious drain dwellers imaginable. From the blizzards of Canada to the romance of France to the pyramids of Egypt.
After several close encounters with various water monsters, Claire decided to go undercover as an ordinary rubber duck available at your local Walmart. That's where I picked her up, and there hasn't been a spider in my shower since.