Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Badass restaurant in Utah serves a "Duckie Death Star"

So, when I read the name "Duckie Death Star" I didn't think it could be that bad. It literally involves rubber ducks in the title. Then they brought out these monstrosities and I realized I was very,  very wrong.
I don't really drink. It's just not my style. But I'd do pretty much anything for a rubber duck. So I ordered myself a Duckie Death Star with the intent of sharing it with a friend. We both ordered meals and showed the waitress our IDs and then patiently waited for everything to come out. 
AFTER ordering I looked at the drunk menu to see what was in my Duckie Death Star (it's really fun to say, okay). NOT A SINGLE THING IN THERE WAS ALCOHOL FREE. I was literally about to drink a fishbowl of alcohol. For a rubber duck. What is wrong with me?!? So I had about three drinks from it and noped out, passing it on to my friend. After eating all my food, I had a few more drinks. I figured that was good, I barely drank half but I still felt I had earned my rubber duck. 
Imagine my surprise when everything started to feel a little weird. I stood up to go to the bathroom and it all hit me at once. It was not pleasant! But at the end of the day, it only took a few glasses of water to feel normal again. AND I got two uniquely adorable rubber ducks!
The morals of the story are as follows:
1) Being drunk is definitely not for me. 
2) Always check the drink menu before ordering. 
3) The rubber duck is ALWAYS worth it in the end. 
via Instagram

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