via Instagram http://ift.tt/1fggXCr
Oh summer, the magical, mystical time of year. The sun is out and the shorts are on and anything feel possible. I love it, don't you? For me, summer is official after I've roasted a marshmallow over a real fire and then eaten it's crunchy, fluffy goodness and repeated the process five or six or twenty times (I really like marshmallows). Two weeks into the summer vacation, I finally got to have my s'more. Now I'm ready to blast off into a whirlwind of summery stuff.
This year, I've decided to approach things a little different than my usual relaxing vacations. I want to use this summer to grow as a person, and so I've complied a list of goals for things I want to do before August 13, my first day of school stuff. My list is as follows:
1. Learn to love to eat healthy. No more relying on chips and McDonalds to survive the day. I know s'mores are counter productive to this, but sometimes you have to enjoy a treat too. The key is balance. Which leads to my next goal.
2. Learn to cook more than just chicken and potatoes. Seriously, I can't survive on chicken and potatoes forever.
3. Learn to run. I've wanted to do this forever, and I figure if not now, when? This will probably be my toughest goal, but it's the one I'm most excited about too.
Most of these goals are in the general direction of getting fit and hopefully staying that way once school starts. I love myself, and I know my husband loves me, but I want to feel good every day no matter what. I want people to look at me and think: She works for what she has. I also, someday, want to be able to feel good doing cosplay because I think that would be badass. Despite all of this, my last goals are totally unrelated and mostly for fun. I'm very excited about them:
4. Learn to take photographs. I'm not saying going to be a great photographer, but I have a pretty nice camera and I want to learn to use it and use it well.
5. Learn to quilt, and finish at least one quilt. Hopefully the ugly duckling quilt, which is well on its way to completion.
So, that's what the ducks and I will be up to this summer. Care to join us? Happy summering everyone!
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